It’s A Four’fer . . .

Isn’t that what you call two two’fers?

I’m not sure if anything is going on here this weekend, but a lot more rigs came in today. We’ve actually got next door neighbors.

Sioux Falls FG 1

As I mentioned the other day, we’re parked right up against the fence. And right on the other side of the fence are railroad tracks. I think it must be a law somewhere that every RV park comes with a set of railroad tracks.

And a lot of the online reviews complained about the noise from passing trains, but I don’t think we’ve really heard any trains, especially at night. Of course that may be because we use a White Noise Generator like this one.

It pretty much masks out any outside noise. We’ve used one for years, even before we started RV’ing. And they work.

After a quiet morning with coffee and conversation, we headed out about 1:45 for another movie two’fer, in this case an all-animated two’fer.

First up was Despicable Me 2. We didn’t see the first one, but now we want to. DM2 was hilarious, laugh out loud funny. Like other well-written animation stories, it’s written on two levels, one for the kids, and one for the adults that are there with them. Or us old f**ts, anyway. There is a scene at the very end of the movie with the Minions (the little yellow guys) that probably no one under the age of 30 will recognize.

About 15 minutes after DM2 finished up, we were sitting in the Monster University theater. In this case we had seen the first one, Monsters Inc., years ago and really liked it. But MU wasn’t quite as good, or maybe because we saw it right after DM2.

By the time we got out of MU it was after 6:30 so we headed back over to Famous Dave’s BBQ for one last visit. It was a few minutes after 7pm when we got there and the lobby was full of people waiting for tables. They told us it would be about 20 minutes, but it turned out to be only about 5, because most of the others were large groups, and we got one of their tables for two.

Jan got a Brisket Sandwich with Fries this time but I got my usual Ribs and Sausage.

Famous Dave's Ribs and Sausage

That way I’ll have plenty of leftovers for later. And even better, the last time we were here, we won a free Bread Pudding Dessert for our next visit, so we got it to go.

Coming home we dropped off some mail at the PO and then got back to the rig about 8:30. Another nice day.

Tomorrow we’ve got a 180 mile run to the Freeborn Fairgrounds in Albert Lea, MN, where we’ll be for one night, before heading for the Wisconsin Dells on Sunday. Jan plans on doing some more driving tomorrow, and I’m hoping I can talk her into starting out here at the fairgrounds, rather than taking over after we’re on the road.

We’ll see.


Thought for the Day:

A well-regulated population being necessary for the security of a tyrannical state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be considered a joke.
