Honey Boo Boo has spoken . . .

Well, I guess the race is over.

Honey Boo Boo has endorsed President Obama.

No use even voting now.


The other day when we were visiting the Fredericksburg Battlefield Visitors Center, we saw this little mini CruiseAmerica Class C. I didn’t realize they even made them this small.

Mini Cruise America

The one we rented back in 2007 for our first RV trip was a good bit bigger. And it was small enough to ensure that we wanted a 40ft coach.



Our Internet access has been slow here so I decided to put up my Wilson db Pro 65 Amplifier & Antenna system to see if it would help.

Wilson Outside Antenna

After getting it set up, it does seem to have sped things up.

Tomorrow I’ll spend some time trying to aim it toward a different cell tower. I think the one we’re connecting to is overloaded, thus slowing down our speed.

Hopefully I can speed things up even more tomorrow.

Around 2pm the park guy came by to tell us that the park water would be off this evening and tomorrow due to a pump problem, and that we needed to fill our fresh water tanks to get us by.

Low water pressure has been a continuing problem since we’ve been here. Hopefully this repair will help things.

Around 5pm we all headed out for dinner, along with Janis and Lenny Thomas, on our way to Dockside Grill for some more good seafood. However when we got there we found them closed on Tuesdays. So it was back to Hunan Chinese for some more great Chinese food.


Thought for the Day:

"If voting could actually change anything, it would be illegal." – Noam Chomsky
