Happy Birthday, NIck . . .

First off, Happy Birthday to my good friend Nick Russell. It’s hard to believe I’ve only known you for four years or so. Seems like I’ve always known you.

Despite the forecast, apparently Nick’s BWF (Bad Weather Fairy) was so hung over this morning that he forgot to make it rain. So the sun was out, and although it was a little cloudy, all in all, it was a nice day.

After coffee and lunch I headed back over to the RV/MH Hall of Fame to get the last of the new computers configured for them. I’ll probably go back on Saturday afternoon to install them on everyone’s desk so I won’t disturb their work

I got back to the park about 4:30 and then we all quickly piled into the truck and headed off for dinner at Ryan’s. Love that fried chicken!

A few minutes after we got there, Al Hesselbart, the RV Historian at the Hall of Fame, joined us. And as usual we spent a good while after we finished eating, just talking.

We got back to the rig a little after 7, and then about 9 the BWF finally sobered up and the rain started coming down hard, and kept coming down hard for the next couple of hours, hard enough to knock out the satellite a couple of times.

Things Every RV’er should have:

The last couple of days I’ve talked about things RV’ers need, and this is another one.

A VOM, or Volt-Ohm Meter. Every rig should have one, or more. And they’re not expensive.

This one costs about $5 on Amazon.


They’re good for a myriad of uses. Checking for a blown fuse, checking to see if a light bulb is bad, checking to see if voltage is getting to a switch or socket. I even used one under the rig to find a broken wire on my starter when my Cummins diesel wouldn’t crank. I also used one to fix Nick Russell’s broken water heater.

Get one today!


Thought for the Day:

Some of Murphy’s Other Laws – Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.
